So I must say I am super excited about the new blog look (it is still a work in progress, but will soon be completed!), soon to be updated website, and all the awesome things that are in store for Mandy Lens Photography! First, let me introuduce myself...I am
Vera Holloway (the photographers sister in law) and I am part of the new creative design team called
the Ruby Girls!

The creation of the Ruby Girls was born out of Mandy's desire to step out of her traditional role as a portrait photographer and introuduce a new, fresh, more creative approach to Mandy Lens Photography! Of course the traditional photography will always be availalbe at Mandy Lens Photography, but moving forward you will begin to see vintage inspired photography, new creative backdrops for out door and in door sessions changing each quarter, and seasonal promotions with awesome package deals (when I say package deals I mean...great deals...lots of pics for less than a $100)....there are many, many more things in the planning stages, but with the new creative team all this will be possible! Each member of the creative team (a.k.a Ruby Girls)....Mandy Holloway, Vera Holloway (Me), Semonne Holloway-Guidry, and Rachel Melancon....all bring something unique to the creative artistic process of photography. Having all the creativity fall on one person, is often very stressful, so the idea that a Creative Team will be avaiable to pull new, fresh, creative ideas...will keep things current, fun, and inspiring!
Some of you may ask...why the Ruby Girls? Where did that come from? Well, I came up with it one night after we had finalized the idea that we would definitely....proceed with the creative/ design team. Mandy was like "we need a creative, fun name....Vera you think of something and let me know!" Psssttttt....well now the pressure was one....and I usually work good under creative pressure (no seriously...I really do!) That night, I was reading in my bible Proverbs 31 (it is often a commonly read passage in Proverbs), Proverbs 31 goes into detail about a Noble Woman....I have always been inspired by this chapter in Proverbs, but surely this scripture can leave you thinking how does this woman possibly do all the things she does!
Proverbs 31:10 says....A Wife of nobel character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies...
The word "Rubies" really popped out to me and as I continued to read through the passage I was inspired that she was a hard worker ,(she was huslin' back in the day!), she took care of her family, was a respected woman, creative, a business woman (she bought fields and planted vineyards...and sold her crops!), and she honored and feared the Lord....
So, I played around with the wording for a little while and decdied I would use the word Ruby from the scripture....and have it represent the kind of woman we should strive to be!
Serving our God, our family, our work, and living a creative life that inspires others!
Recently, we kicked off the the idea of a Creative Team....and we spent a Saturday morning doing a 1940's inspired photo shoot....thanks to Shay (as he refers to himself as...Shay Lens)....he took some pics of us!
Don't ya'll think...Shay Len's did a good job?!! We do!
Lots more to come with the Ruby Girls!